
A symbol of strength, courage and hard work: BELAZ presented a dump truck in the colors and elements of the Belarusian flag

9 may 2024


The presentation of the brightly stylized 90-ton dump truck took place on May 9 in Zhodino at festive events dedicated to the Victory Day and the Day of the State Emblem, Flag and Anthem of the Republic of Belarus.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, representatives of labor collectives, local authorities and public associations, residents and guests of the city traditionally gathered at the Monument in honor of the mother-patriot Anastasia Kupriyanova on this day for a solemn meeting.

In the future, this handsome dump truck will become a part of the large-scale program for the development of industrial tourism “BELAZ – a brand of Belarus”. Numerous guests of our company who come to get acquainted with BELAZ will be able to drive this dump truck. In their eyes, it will symbolize the strength, courage and hard work of the Belarusian people.

During the ceremonial events, which took place to the accompaniment of “Katyusha” and other wartime songs, the exhibition of military equipment and weapons aroused great interest among the citizens. There were demonstration performances by dog handlers and a festive concert, and fans of “field kitchen”, according to a long-standing good tradition, were able to taste real soldier’s porridge.