
At the Forum of Regions 2024 in Vitebsk, BELAZ demonstrates a popular classic - a 45-ton dump truck

27 june 2024


Today, the XI Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus started in three cities of our country: Vitebsk, Polotsk and Novopolotsk. BELAZ also takes part in the work of the exhibition and dialogue platforms for representatives of government authorities, industry and business communities.

The main topic of the current forum is the role of interregional cooperation in building the innovative economy of the Union State. In total, 60 regions of the Russian Federation are announced, 20 delegations are headed by governors, and more than 90 exhibitors from two countries are represented at thematic exhibitions.

БЕЛАЗ сегодня тесно сотрудничает практически со всеми российскими регионами. Как мировой лидер по добыче твердых полезных ископаемых Российская Федерация – основной стратегический, исторический партнер нашей компании. BELAZ today cooperates closely with almost all Russian regions. As a world leader in the extraction of solid minerals, the Russian Federation is the main strategic and historical partner of our company. The share of the Russian Federation in total exports at the end of last year amounted to more than 80%. Traditionally, the largest consumers of our equipment work in the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia, and the Trans-Baikal Territory.

At the XI Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus, BELAZ representatives not only actively participate in the business program, but also traditionally present the company’s products at a specialized industrial exhibition in the “Mechanical Engineering, Technologies and Equipment” section. This year, the main star of our stand in Vitebsk was the 45-ton BELAZ-7547.

Today, mining dump trucks of this series have several modifications with power units from various manufacturers and are still in demand on the market. Working mostly in compact, shallow quarries, BELAZ-7547 dump trucks have long gained a reputation as reliable, efficient equipment, easy to operate and maintain.

Photos with BELAZ in Vitebsk are an obligatory part of the program for visitors to the exhibition of large-sized Belarusian equipment.