
BELAZ dump truck named after Mamashev has been put in operation on the mine in Norilsk

10 november 2022


BELAZ dump truck named after Mamashev has been put in operation on the mine in Norilsk.

BELAZ dump truck with payload capacity of 130 tons is the second vehicle that was named after the man who put an enormous impact to the history and exploration of mine – the director of the “Medvezhii Ruchei” Yury Mamashev. The previous BELAZ dump truck was named after the discoverer of Norilsk deposit Alexandr Vorontsov

“It is a fairly old tradition – giving a name to the vehicle for significant events, - said director of the project “RZ-KOM” of Industrial Construction and Installation Company Leonid Kachemtsev. – We are happy that this dump truck was named after Yury Petrovich”


After the ribbon cutting, the crew of the new BELAZ named after Mamashev received work order and a commemorative certificate, and general director of “Medvezhii Ruchei” received vehicle commissioning certificate. 

Tradition of naming the dump trucks after outstanding people, successfully started by the official representative of BELAZ in Russian Federation BELAZ Trading House, continues…