
Fateful first-born dump truck with the Quality Mark!

20 june 2024


Exactly 57 years ago, on June 20, 1967, by the decision of the state certification commission, approved by order of the Minister of Automotive Industry of the Soviet Union, the BELAZ-540A dump truck and its modifications were awarded the State Quality Mark of the USSR.

The legendary first-born of BELAZ was awarded the right to be marked with the mark of the highest quality standard, the first of all products of the Soviet automobile industry and the first in the Belarusian SSR!

The honorary pentagon was placed on the hood or glass of the cabin of a 27-ton machine, unique for its time, as evidence of the great labor success of the BELAZ team of many thousands.

A prototype of the BELAZ-540 dump truck was assembled six years before all-Union recognition - in September 1961.

– The machine was already ahead of its time with its technical solutions and was competitive for many years to come. From the very first sample, a close collaboration with science was established; we used the most advanced scientific developments. You could say that they created science themselves,” recalls Hero of Belarus, Honored Worker of Industry of Belarus Pavel Mariev, who has worked at BELAZ since 1959 (including from 1992 to 2007 as the plant’s general director).

Dump trucks BELAZ-540, BELAZ-540A and their modifications were in demand throughout the Soviet Union at the most ambitious construction sites and in the extraction of minerals in quarries, and were also actively exported to different countries of the world. The dump trucks were mass-produced for two decades, from 1965 to 1985. In total, more than 44 thousand 27-ton trucks were produced in various modifications. This legendary machine became the basic one and largely predetermined the success of all subsequent generations of BELAZ mining dump trucks.

Adopting the best experience of Soviet times, Belarus today attaches great importance to state certification and confirmation of the quality of domestic products. It is symbolic that in 2024, the Year of Quality, BELAZ claims to assign the Belarusian Quality Mark to dump trucks of its top-end BELAZ-7513 series with a load capacity of 130 tons, which are worthy successors to the leadership and innovative traditions established back in 1961 by the first dump truck under the brand “ BELAZ". In recent years, our company has consistently held more than 70% of the world market for quarry equipment in the 130-ton class.