
How first-year students from St. Petersburg got acquainted with BELAZ

2 july 2024


Continuing the implementation of joint educational programs with leading Russian technical universities, BELAZ last week hosted a group of 58 students and teachers from the St. Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II.

This reputable university successfully operates the BELAZ Competence Center, in the laboratories of which first-year students get acquainted with the design of BELAZ equipment, with the operation of intelligent control systems for the operation of quarry equipment and learn the basics of digital mining production. At the same time, seeing and touching mining dump trucks with your own hands, plunging into real production and learning the specifics of assembling BELAZ trucks is, if not a dream for future mining engineers, then certainly a real opportunity to seriously improve their knowledge.

On June 25, guests from the Northern capital of Russia spent the whole day at BELAZ. The guys were actively interested in the technologies and features of manufacturing various parts, components and assemblies of machines in the mechanical assembly workshop No. 1, in the thermogalvanic and welding production, and in the work of the assembly line in the main conveyor shop. With undisguised reverence, the first-year students looked at and climbed onto the decks of exhibition samples of dump trucks at the site near the production of super-heavy vehicles.

Then the student delegation was invited to the Scientific and Technical Center named after A.N. Egorova. Here, in a lively and relaxed atmosphere, a training seminar was held, at which the general designer of the enterprise, Alexander Naskovets, told the children about the innovative developments of BELAZ and answered all their questions.

That day at BELAZ for St. Petersburg students ended with a friendly volleyball match with the youth of our enterprise.

This visit of Gorny students takes BELAZ’s cooperation with this university to a new level. Introductory practice plays an important role in their education and professional training. Familiarity with the specifics of production and use of modern equipment opens up new perspectives for students and helps them better understand the requirements of modern industry. Such visits help students develop a deep understanding of production processes and the development of professional skills, which is especially important for their successful development as specialists in the mining industry.

In addition, during the days of introductory practice from June 24 to 28, guests from St. Petersburg visited the BELGIE enterprises and the Mogilev Carriage Works, Eton, Zhodino colleges, and took part in a dialogue platform at the BELAZ branch in Mogilev - at MoAZ , visited several capital enterprises, the Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War.

In July, two more large groups of SPSU students will come to our enterprise for educational practice.